Sophie believes that every cat should have thier own web site.

This is her secret project. You may ask, does a cat really write HTML? We respond, does a cat really order geek gear from catalogs?
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In memorium March 29, 1985 - Dec 1, 2003

In memorium April 5, 1985 - July 22, 2003

Sophie is a calico cat, but I prefer to call her orange. Most people think of orange cats as being solid orange cats, like Morris of 9-Lives fame. Sophie fur is cat diversity.

No part of Sophie is a solid color.

Sophie has been online since 1998. She has still not turned a profit, and missed out on the VC money for online businesses. She would work for regular feeding. Her main complaint is that Friskies offers better tasting flavors of cat food in Europe than in America. Cow is not a natural prey for cats. Rabbit is. Cats like Sophie also like small mice, young squirrel and birds of all types. Note the photo below. Despite being outweighed, here she contemplates hunting down wild turkeys.

Sophie Data:
Letters and Correspondence
Press Releases