Sophie believes that every cat should have thier own web site.
This is her secret
project. You may ask, does a cat really write HTML? We respond, does a cat really
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Sophie's Last Update
When I got home after the burial, there was an emptiness to the apartment. Sophie wasn't lounging in the chair, or meowing up a greeting, pacing to get fed, or otherwise asserting her presence.
More so than the final moments where she took her last breath at the vet's, it hit me, she was gone. In reality, she had been slipping away for several days, her illness had taken its toll, and while I could see the physical signs of her not being able to stand steadily, the dragging her back paws, falling over in her litter box as she struggled to go to the bathroom; it was the little meows and purrs that she wasn't making and the tired painful look that she gave me when i moved around the apartment that were the signs that Sophie had slipped away.
In the twilight of being asleep and awake the first night without Sophie, I heard the painful meows again, the fear palpable, reasonating in the meow like all the other times she didn't feel safe. Knowing Sophie, she didn't want to leave earth right away, and I wondered if the ghost of Sophie would haunt me. I think though instead it will be the legend of Sophie that will always be with me, and all the people she has touched over the years.
Eighteen years is a long time. While it only represents half my life time, it also represents my entire adult life. Sophie was there through all the struggles and upheavals, joys and sorrows, and the many, many different apartments. Through it all Sophie provided comfort and complaints, and made life a little less stressful, a little less lonely and a little less fearful.
I will miss Sophie, long after the tears have dried and the ache is gone. And somewhere within me I will gain comfort knowing that Sophie will live on in stories long after I stop telling them. In the end, all we have are memories, and for Sophie I am lucky to have 18 years of memories to fill eternity.
Sophie on the move July 2002