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Gatsby's Last Days
I think that Gatsby missed Sophie in the end. She didn't seem that upset after Sophie died, but then Gatsby always was a reserved kind of cat.
Gatsby died of cancer, and it happened so rapidly. She was always a healthy cat, prefered dry food over wet, wasn't to interested in human food, loved to roll in catnip, and sit outside in the shade on hot summer days. I had always thought Gatsby would just die in her sleep, but the cancer she had was aggressive and when it got too difficult for her to eat, drink and go litterbox I had to put her to sleep.
I can't even describe how hard that was to do. As we waited in the examination room, Gastsby purred very softly as I held her. It was the same room that she had had her first examination over 18 years ago. Gatsby never liked being held, but this day she was relaxed. She knew it was the end, and I think she was grateful to be out of discomfort finally.
Right now, I remember those final minutes and it hurts. But I also remember the good memories of a long life, and over time I'll remember those more than these last ones. I have always said that we are all racing towards our death. Every day we are one day closer to it, and so I have to accept that Gatsby was not going to live forever.
She will live on in my memories though, as the little grey cat that was so gentle and happy. And those memories will be with me until I die.
Gatsby contemplating sea breezes Summer 2001